Video below shows a bra vending machine rolled out by Japanese lingerie maker Wacoal at its specialty shop. The vending machine is packed with the popular wireless “Fun Fun Week” bras.
The shop’s manager said, “The vending machine’s strength is that you can quickly look at the size chart and buy,” and that customers didn’t have to tell shop staff their size or even have to talk to shop staff at all!

On GirlsChannel, a site aimed at Japanese women, many thought the idea of buying a bra via a vending machine seemed rather strange.
“Purchasing one without trying it on would be somewhat impossible (for me),” wrote one commentator.
“An old man probably came up with this idea,” wrote another commentator. Others suggested that it was ideal for male customers who liked to wear women’s underwear.
If anything, this seems like a Wacoal publicity stunt, which is something the Japanese lingerie company often does. It sure is working!
Not all commentators were completely against the vending machine, and there were those who thought the novelty aspect was interesting. Wrote one commentator, “So, this is peace of mind for the days you forget to wear a bra, I guess?”

Interesting Facts About Bra
- The modern bra was invented in France.
- The word “bra” came along much later. In fact, it wasn’t until 1907 when Vogue first used the word ‘brassiere’ in print. The word was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1911.
- Cup sizes were invented in the 1930s.
- Since the first bra was invented, these things have changed a whole lot. In fact, the padded bra didn’t exist until 1947 and the push-up bra wasn’t a thing until a year later.
- You’ve probably heard that around 80% of women are wearing the wrong bra size.