Newspaper vending machines are used worldwide, especially in Germany and they are often one of the main distribution methods for newspaper publishers.

The coin operated newspaper vending machine was invented in 1947 by inventor George Thiemeyer Hemmeter.
In the United States, publishers have said that the distribution of newspapers by means of street racks is “an essential method of conveying information to the public”.
Fun Facts about Newspaper
- In China, early government-produced news sheets, called tipao, circulated among court officials during the late Han dynasty (second and third centuries AD).
- The first modern newspapers were products of western European countries like Germany (publishing Relation in 1605), France (Gazette in 1631), Belgium (Nieuwe Tijdingen in 1616) and England (the London Gazette, founded in 1665.
- According to the Guinness Book of Records, the daily circulation of the Soviet newspaper Trud exceeded 21,500,000 in 1990, while the Soviet weekly Argumenty i Fakty boasted the circulation of 33,500,000 in 1991.
- Americans look to Facebook as a news source.
- CNN pioneers 24-hour news format, which debuted in 1980 and challenged the dominance of CBS, ABC, and NBC, which each aired 30-minute nightly newscasts. Mocked at first as the Chicken Noodle Network, CNN hit its stride with its live coverage of the Challenger space shuttle disaster in 1986, the three-day-long rescue of toddler Jessica McClure from a well in Midland, Texas in 1987, and live reports from the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
- More than any medium, advertising in newspapers is considered most believable and trustworthy. Consumers find newspapers to be more believable and trustworthy (26 percent) and look forward to newspaper advertising (22 percent) more than sources like the internet, TV, radio, catalogs, magazines and mail.
- The Financial Times (founded in 1888) was first printed on pink paper in 1893 to distinguish it from its rival the Financial News- the Financial News was eventually merged with the Financial Times in 1945.