Whale Meat Vending Machine

A Japanese whaling firm unveiled vending machines offering whale sashimi, whale steak and whale bacon in Yokohama on Tuesday in hopes of reviving sales of a food long in decline and shunned by many supermarkets.

“There are so many major supermarkets that are afraid of being harassed by anti-whaling groups so they won’t use whale. So there are many people who want to eat whale but can’t,” Tokoro, the firm owner said at the launch.

“Therefore, we are opening stores with the thought that we can provide a place where those people can eat.”

Though the government maintains that eating whale is a cherished part of Japan’s culture, consumption peaked in the early 1960s and has steadily declined as other protein sources became available and affordable.

Whale meat advocates point to its high protein content and low carbon footprint compared with other meats.

In Japan, there are also vending machine selling bear meat.


Interesting fact about Whale:

Whales are known for their remarkable communication abilities, particularly through the use of complex vocalizations often referred to as “whale songs.” These songs are most famously produced by male humpback whales and can last for hours. They play a significant role in communication, potentially related to mating rituals or establishing dominance, though their exact purpose remains somewhat of a mystery.

Another fascinating aspect of whales is their intelligence and social behavior. Whales, especially species like the sperm whale and orca, exhibit behaviors that suggest high levels of intelligence and social complexity. For instance, orcas (also known as killer whales) are known for their cooperative hunting techniques and unique vocal dialects among different pods. This indicates a form of culture within orca societies, where knowledge and behaviors are passed down through generations.

Additionally, whales serve a crucial role in marine ecosystems and global carbon cycles. As large animals, whales facilitate the transport of nutrients from deeper waters to the surface through their vertical movement (a phenomenon called the “whale pump”), which promotes the growth of phytoplankton. Phytoplankton not only forms the base of the marine food web but also absorbs millions of tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually, underscoring the ecological importance of whales in mitigating climate change.

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